EPIC Hearing Healthcare helps members access hearing exams, hearing aids and more. Sign in to learn more and check eligibility.
Hearing loss can happen earlier than you may think. Here’s how to help protect your hearing now and treat the hearing loss you may already have.
Are you in your 50s? You might think hearing loss only happens to people who are much older than you — your parents, say. But even though hearing loss is more common when people get older, it can actually happen at any age, says Sara Lerner, Au.D. She’s the director of clinical audiology at ENT and Allergy Associates of New York and New Jersey.
Consider these statistics: Hearing loss is the third most common chronic condition in the United States. About 18% of adults ages 45 to 64 have some sort of hearing loss, and those numbers go up as people get older.1
No one knows exactly why people lose their hearing as they age, but it’s probably a combination of factors. Those include changes to the ear, especially along the nerves connecting the ear to the brain. Genes may play a role too — hearing loss can run in families. Also, being exposed to loud noises over the years takes a toll.2
Even more alarming, people often wait as long as 10 years before doing anything about their hearing loss.3 Don’t let that happen to you.
Here’s how to help to protect your hearing health in your 50s, plus how to get treatment if you do notice a problem.
“Getting a hearing test by age 50 establishes a baseline for your hearing health, so you have a reference point if changes occur,” says Lerner. That way, when you go back for another test, a hearing care professional may spot a change.
Where can you go for a baseline hearing test and consultation? You can find hearing care professionals, such as audiologists or hearing aid specialists, in a range of places, from private practices to hospitals.
The hearing care professional will do a series of comprehensive tests to check:4
The results of a hearing exam show if your hearing is normal or if there are issues.5 If you do have hearing loss, the hearing care professional will discuss individual treatment options, such as hearing aids, with you.
There are certain things that can speed up hearing loss, and the biggest one is noise. Loud sounds are one of the most common causes of hearing loss. The good news: Noise-induced hearing loss may be preventable.6
Noise is measured in decibels. Anything lower than 70 dBA (A-weighted decibels) is safe for your ears. This includes one-on-one and group conversations, the sound of dishwashers and vacuum cleaners, and even alarm clocks.7
That leaves plenty of loud sounds that can damage your hearing, especially if you’re around them for long periods of time. Some include:
To protect your ears, try to avoid loud noises when you can. And when you can’t:7, 8
EPIC Hearing Healthcare helps members access hearing exams, hearing aids and more. Sign in to learn more and check eligibility.
Chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes are more common as we get older, and they may cause hearing problems.2 So it’s important to make healthy lifestyle choices that can ward off those conditions (or help keep them under control). Get regular exercise, eat a balanced diet, and avoid smoking cigarettes.9 It’s good for your overall health and your hearing health, says Lerner.
Here’s why: The inner ear needs oxygen-rich blood to do its work, since it plays an important role in both hearing and balance, notes Lerner. “So, you want to keep that blood flow up properly, which is just essential for maintaining your hearing,” she says.
Typically, you lose your hearing gradually, so you may not notice at first. But there are signs, according to Lerner and other experts:10
You could go first to your primary care provider to see if there’s something going on medically that could explain your hearing loss, such as too much earwax or an ear infection. But if that’s not the issue, then it’s time for a comprehensive hearing exam and consultation with a hearing care professional.
If there’s hearing loss, you may benefit from hearing aids. Here’s what to know about them.
Get hearing aids ASAP — and wear them all day. “The sooner you get hearing aids, the easier it is to adapt to them,” says Lerner. And even if you just have trouble hearing well in noisy places, consider wearing them all the time. “We recommend just making them part of your life,” she explains.
One reason is that your brain needs time to adapt to your hearing aids, Lerner notes. And the best way to do that is to wear your hearing aids at home. That’s where you can hear the tiny noises that people with even mild hearing loss can’t hear anymore, such as the clicking of your computer keyboard or the humming of the air conditioner.
“Those tiny noises are a training zone for hearing aids,” Lerner explains. “If you are not used to hearing the clicking on the keyboard, that sound might be very distracting in the beginning. The more you hear those little sounds in the world, the faster your brain learns to adapt and ignore them again.”
Get the right pair for your needs. You have 2 choices when shopping for hearing aids: prescription and over-the-counter hearing aids.
Prescription hearing aids may be more expensive, but a hearing care professional can program them to fit your hearing needs. Then, during follow-up visits, they can help adjust them, so that you hear well and comfortably.
Over-the-counter hearing aids can be bought without a hearing exam or a prescription.
They are less expensive, but you may not get as many choices or styles as you would with prescription hearing aids. And you may have to do without the in-person help.11
No matter which one you choose, it’s more important to treat hearing loss earlier rather than later. “Unfortunately, age-related hearing loss does not get better,” says Lerner. “However, how you manage it can significantly impact your quality of life. Research shows that using hearing aids, even for mild hearing loss, can help people avoid social isolation, depression and cognitive decline.”
Did you know that many hearing benefits, including a hearing exam and consultation, are covered through EPIC Hearing Healthcare? Learn more.
Information is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical provider. Consult your provider prior to making changes to your lifestyle or health care routine.